Halloween party ideas 2015

She had this post some minutes ago where she expressed happiness over what has happened over the years + yo! shes giving away N1m to her LIB readers
See her post after the cut....

"Every December since 2013, I have been giving away N1million to you my amazing readers and this year will not be an exception. I would like to say a big Thank You to everyone who opened LIB in 2015! I keep saying you guys changed my life and I can't thank you enough. The individuals and companies who come here to pay huge sums of money to advertise don't do it because they like me, they do it because they know you all are here. They see the millions of clicks a day and the ranking on Alexa and they pay to use my platform to reach you guys. I owe you guys so much, for the love, support and having my back through the good, the bad and the ugly. Especially the ugly...lol.

Even the 'haters/unbelievers' contribute to the success of this blog...lol. When they start with their propaganda stories, they spread the gospel of LIB and more people come here to check things out for themselves and when they come here, they get hooked....lol. I'm grateful to them. Please continue...

I started the N1million giveaway in 2013 because the most amazing things in my life started that year and I believe in giving back!

In 2013, I built a big house for my parents in our village in Nkwerre, Imo state. I also provided borehole/water for people in my father's community who haven't had water in years. My father was eventually made a chief, a street was named after him and recently an inter-house Sport was named after him. All these was to show their appreciation for what I and my dad did for them.

My dad, who is 72, looked at me one day and said 'If I die today, I will die a happy man. Thank You!' It brought tears to my eyes, and for the first time in my life, I felt I'd really accomplished something. To see that joy and pride in a parent's eye...there's nothing like it! If you have never experienced it, I pray you do soon. I'm really grateful to have experienced it. If not for you guys, I never would have been able to. Your love for this blog and consistency has kept me in business. I am so grateful!

2014 was even a better year. I was able to realize a lot of my dreams. I even bought my dream ride...lol. They tried to shut me down...but God showed them He was bigger. And that experience brought me more readers and fans...and took LIB to a higher level.

But 2015 has so far been the most amazing year of my life! I've touched more lives this year than I'd ever done before. I helped 15 girls start their own businesses and everyday, a young girl tells me I inspire her. That means more to me than any material thing. Just being someone people look up to is a great feeling. Sharing my story and people learning from it and saying it's pushed them to want to better themselves makes me feel really good.

And I did something this year that amazed myself, my family and everyone else. I bought a house in Banana Island, Ikoyi...lol. Before I paid for the house, I remember my banker looking at me like I was crazy...lol. She was like 'you're not going to spend all that money on a house?'...I said watch me...lol. She tried to convince me to buy a house in Lekki and invest the rest in other properties and businesses but I was adamant. The house was my dream home...and I believe in living the life of your dreams...because one day, all of this will be over. She even wanted me to get a mortgage to finance the house but I refused. Till today, I still pinch myself. I can't believe how my life has changed so much. Again, all thanks to you guys!

I know buying a house for that amount in such a place confused a lot of people. Many didn't believe I could afford it...and to be honest, I don't blame them. If I were them, I'd have my doubts too. If you don't understand how this internet business works, you would never get how a blogger can afford it. But let's put it this way...Perez Hilton, who is the biggest blogger in the US is worth over $30million (Google it). He started blogging in 2005, just a year before I started blogging in 2006... and I am supposed to be the biggest blogger in Africa. Would it not be a shame if I'm not worth even $5million? Lol.

I read somewhere that a politician may have bought me the house...LMAO! I find that hilarious! Inside me and politicians, who get money pass? Lol. Politicians don't even live in Banana Island... they can't afford to on their salaries and remunerations...except those who are stealing government money and even those will not be stupid enough to do that before EFCC comes for them.

There's so much money to be made in media.Hundreds of brands, individuals, multinationals plug into your platform. If not for LIRS (hehe), I would have thought many of you interested in online business how you can make money. But I'd be exposing myself. Lol. (But maybe one day I'll do a one-day seminar and teach you guys the tricks...*wink*).

You remember when Oprah was still running her show? When Forbes released list of highest earning individuals, she would always top the list with like $300million earnings in one year, while actors and actresses would make less than $50m in year? That's media! Me that I'm aiming to be the first black billionaire blogger from Africa! Hehe. (some people think I already am sef...)

I'm opening up a bit more so you guys understand how this business works. And for upcoming bloggers, the worst thing you would ever do to your business is collect money from anyone for anything other than an ad campaign on your site. It's better for people to spread something that is false rather for it to be the truth. If you collect these things, it will come back to haunt you. That's a guarantee! I've never done it. Will never do it! I plan to be around for a long time.

And about all the negativity being spread online...please my darlings, ignore! When you are on top, there's so much envy. People try so much to bring you down. Your success causes them so much headache and they look for ways to discredit you, to bring you down to their level. Remember what they tried to do to me last year? I over came that and will continue to over come. They will keep coming at me with what they have...this will never stop as along as I keep staying on top...and it's okay because I plan to keep shining...lol. If they are this mad that I bought a house in Banana Island, what would they do when I eventually buy a private jet? Lol.

For every successful person out there...or just succeeding at something...these people will always exist! Your success will pain them so much, they will want your downfall. Just keep your head up and keep doing you and keep shining! To keep succeeding is your best revenge! God is your strength!

Anyway, just wanted to share a bit more and tell you guys I am giving away N1million to LIB readers as a way to appreciate your kindness and support towards me like I did the last two years. May God continue to guide and protect you guys! I will do another post letting you guys know how the money will be shared."

Happy woman...chilling in my pool...lol.
Kisses guys and massive hug.

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Tobi Idowu

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