Halloween party ideas 2015

Kim Kardashian has opened up about breastfeeding her newborn son Saint, admitting she initially found it difficult.She also said Saint’s big sister North doesn’t like it when she breastfeeds.
Writing on her website, Kim admitted:
"I'm about 2 months into breastfeeding and I'm not gonna lie - it can be time-consuming. 
"For some reason, North hates when I feed the baby, and she lays on my lap so Saint can't be right in front of me to eat, LOL!
I've started to include her: Sometimes I will pump and have her feed him the bottle. That totally worked! She loved helping me, as opposed to my attention being off of her, and now she is my little helper.”"I feel super lucky that breastfeeding is easy for me and I produce a lot of milk - so much that I've taken over my mom's freezer with tons of milk!"
Kim then explained that using a nipple shield made breastfeeding so much easier for her.
"I find the baby feeds better, and it allows me to never get irritated nipples or anything because they're protected by the shield. The hospital suggested shields to me, since at the beginning I found nursing super painful and difficult, so I took some home and never looked back.” 
On breastfeeding in public,shewrote Now that I'm a mom, I say whatever makes you comfortable goes. I still personally wouldn't breastfeed at a restaurant with a bunch of people I didn't know staring at me. I've seen this before and remember tweeting how shocked I was. Now that I'm a mom, I'm not that shocked, especially if you have a few kids and can't leave to breastfeed one kid in the bathroom while leaving the others at the table," she wrote.  
"But I still personally wouldn't do it, unless it was an emergency situation and I was fully covered. I would 

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Tobi Idowu

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