The Nigerian army has courageously announced the complete elimination of Boko Haram terrorists camps and hideouts in the northeastern part of Nigeria.
Colonel Sanni Usman, who is the acting director on army public relations, made the news known to the public during the inauguration of Strategic Communication Course for senior officers at the Nigerian Army School of Public Relations and Information Bonny Camp, Lagos.
In a statement, which was read out to the audience, Usman said:
We have come to the point that we can beat our chest and decisively say we have dealt with Boko Haram. The situation in the north-east has tremendously improved. The military operations or the fight against terrorism and insurgency in the north-east is hinged on three things.Then restoration of law and order for good governance to take place. We no longer have camps of Boko Haram terrorists and we no longer have them conveyed in the territories.
Those that were hitherto close are now open to the extent that we have trans-border trade. Take for instance; just recently, the important road that links Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon was just re-opened.
We have come to the point that we can beat our chest and decisively say we have dealt with Boko Haram.”
“It is in this regard that the Directorate of Army Public Relations places high premium on training of officers and soldiers. The Nigerian Army School of Public Relations and Information must remain focused in the training of officers and soldiers to meet the need of well trained and skilled manpower.
This is the first of its kind to further enhance further joint operations of the armed forces and possibly international military engagement. It is my hope that this course will make the desired impact on all of you and explicit growth fertilisation of ideas among the participants.
It is also our desire to see that at the end of the course, we turn out better informed senior officers. Also, they should be well-equipped to partake in making or taking strategic decision for the Nigerian army information and dissemination management.”
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