A 36-year-old bride to be from New Jersey, U.S, whose legs won’t stop growing. This is because Miss Page is suffering from Lipoedema – a chronic disorder that causes fatty tissue to accumulate in mass around the lower body.
Page, who is currently undergoing gruelling treatment to decrease her 4ft-wide legs, said “Before I had any surgeries, my legs were like 50 to 54 inches.
According to Miss Page, the condition started getting noticeable when she was about seven, but it really started exploding when she got to her early 20s.
Page only discovered she had Lipoedema just a year ago, but by this time, she was already at stage four and her legs were around 4ft wide.
She experiences a daily struggle with people assuming she is overweight because of an unhealthy diet, rather than her life-threatening disease that she can do nothing to prevent.
The swelling was at one point so bad that my ankles would be literally hanging all the way over my foot. My biggest fear is becoming immobile because once I can’t move, I know this disease will progress and I could lose my life,”
It’s the last stage and it’s just drastic. Some days I’ll be in so much pain that I can’t really do anything. It’s bad when your calf is bigger than your waistline. One calf – not both – but one.”Early signs from Miss Page’s treatment show positive results with the swelling in her legs gradually decreasing, but Doctor Lizzie Gottsegen, who is managing Miss Page’s progress, knows her patient still has a long way to go.
There are not many therapists or doctors for that matter that are even aware of this disease.If Katia has no surgery, if she had no bandaging, if she had no will to move – Katia would be dead very soon,”Her most recent bout of surgery did not go well as planned, as her doctor had to stop proceedings earlier than expected, due to a substantial loss of blood.
According to David Greuner “She’ll probably require 10-12 procedures to really get her down to a manageable level over the course of about three to four years.”
Page who was engaged to be married before the diagnosis about a year ago says no matter what, she still has her dream wedding to look forward to.
“I’m smart, I’m educated, I can cook and I’m a good catch! You’d be a fool not to want me. I’m engaged and we’re going to get married soon. And to be honest with you, he loves me anyway, but I just want to look my best,” she added.
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